Heather Fowler almost went blind when she was a toddler. She required multiple eye surgeries to preserve her eyesight and this early emphasis on her eyes has led to certain visual fixations—especially reading, looking at art, watching movies, and staring at beautiful people. She inherited both her bad eyesight and her love of good books from her parents. Reading turned into writing and Heather’s first publication was in her seventh-grade literary magazine. Ever since then, she has been writing like a maniac—sometimes writing a poem or a flash a day for months at a time (there are so many words inside her)—and now she is a widely published poet and short story writer. But a writer is only one thing that Heather is. She is also a painter, singer, actress, friend, mother, and wife. Besides that, she has two degrees, two jobs, and one husband. She loves how much her husband loves her. She mothers three children and loves every single thing about them that makes them particularly them; she loves them more and more as they get older and bigger (she is made up of so much heart). She likes dead Russian authors, though she would never kill a living one, and fresh flowers, which she will cut with a knife. She is liberated by words and her imagination. She likes email and social networking because it connects her a world of people she would not know another way and she wants to know everybody, including you.
Visit Heather Fowler and read some of her writing.
Deareast Micheal,
You see Heather Fowler has been my best friend since we were girls only about 10 years old.and what you wrote...is EXACTLY who she is I love the way you saw how amazing she is and her fantastic qualities....I love this Piece and will pass this on!!
You have a great Talent for this sort of thing Mr Kinball.
Wonderful stuff Michael! Truly. You have me knowing my friend, and loving her even more than I already do!!
I finally found this one about Heather and it is like her in its energy. Kudos!
Thanks, Richard and Mark and Heather's Best Friend. Heather is wonderful.
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